Saturday, August 25, 2012

Links to material covered in first week and on first homework.

The blog has entries from fall 2011, the last time I taught this course.  I expect to follow much the same order of material this time around.  Here are links to the topics we worked on this first week.

Classifications of triangles and The Triangle Inequality.

Practice on classification of triangles given two angles.

Practice on classification given three side lengths.

In class on Thursday, I asked for all possible integer length side triples for perimeter of 11 and perimeter of 13.  Here are the answers.

5, 5, 1
5, 4, 2
5, 3, 3
4, 4, 3

6, 6, 1
6, 5, 2
6, 4, 3
5, 5, 3
5, 4, 4

Find both classifications for these triples, the classification by largest angle (obtuse, right, acute) and the classification by relations between side lengths (equilateral, isosceles, scalene).

Answers in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Figuring out isosceles, equilateral and scalene is easy. For the largest angle classification, call the longest side c.

    If c² > a² + b², the triangle is obtuse
    If c² = a² + b², the triangle is right
    If c² < a² + b², the triangle is acute


    5, 5, 1 Isosceles and acute

    5, 4, 2 Scalene and obtuse

    5, 3, 3 Isosceles and obtuse

    4, 4, 3 Isosceles and acute


    6, 6, 1 Isosceles and acute

    6, 5, 2 Scalene and obtuse

    6, 4, 3 Scalene and obtuse

    5, 5, 3 Isosceles and acute

    5, 4, 4 Isosceles and acute
