Friday, September 2, 2011

Heron's formula practice problems.

Here are all the possible triangles with integer side lengths and perimeter = 12, which means s = 12/2 = 6.  Find the areas using Heron's formula, simplifying the square roots.

a) 6, 5, 1

b) 6, 4, 2

c) 6, 3, 3

d) 5, 5, 2

e) 5, 4, 3

f) 4, 4, 4

Answers in the comments.


  1. a) 6, 5, 1

    Area = sqrt(6(6-6)(6-5)(6-1)
    = sqrt(6 * 0 * 1 * 5)
    = 0

    b) 6, 4, 2

    Area = sqrt(6(6-6)(6-4)(6-2)
    = sqrt(6 * 0 * 2 * 4)
    = 0

    c) 6, 3, 3

    Area = sqrt(6(6-6)(6-3)(6-3)
    = sqrt(6 * 0 * 3 * 3)
    = 0

    The first three are line segments, not proper triangles, so the have no area.

    d) 5, 5, 2

    Area = sqrt(6(6-5)(6-5)(6-2)
    = sqrt(6 * 1 * 1 * 4)
    = sqrt(24) = 2sqrt(6) square units

    e) 5, 4, 3

    Area = sqrt(6(6-5)(6-4)(6-3)
    = sqrt(6 * 1 * 2 * 3)
    = sqrt(36) = 6 square units

    The 3-4-5 triangle is a right triangle, and right triangles with integer sides always have integer areas.

    f) 4, 4, 4

    Area = sqrt(6(6-4)(6-4)(6-4)
    = sqrt(6 * 2 * 2 * 2)
    = sqrt(48) = 4sqrt(3) square units

    For any given perimeter, the way to make the largest triangle is to make the equilateral triangle. If perimeter is not a multiple of 3, the sides won't be whole numbers.

  2. sides 6,7,8.. 21 odd perimeter how i does Jsqrtk/4. Do the semi 21 need diveded in by two. 10.5 * 10.5-6*10.5-7*10.5-8.

    1. Think of it in fractions instead of decimals to simplify the square root.

      sqrt(21/2*(21/2-12/2)*(21/2-14/2)*(21/2-16/2)) =
      sqrt(21*9*7*5)/sqrt(2*2*2*2) =
      sqrt(7*3*3*3*7*5)/4 =
